UCSF Citywide Employment - Vocational Rehabilitation Program

The Vocational Rehabilitation Program (VRP) at San Francisco General Hospital is a program of the UCSF Department of Psychiatry Citywide Employment Program. VRP’s mission is to provide job readiness and job training for individuals with chronic mental illness often complicated by persistent homelessness, substance abuse, chronic medical problems and criminal justice involvement. Currently VRP provides job training and paid internship opportunities for approximately 165 individuals per year in a variety of hospital and community-based social enterprise businesses, including:

  • Slice of Life Catering & Culinary Training Program
  • Slice of Life Cafe at 1380 Howard (Department of Public Health)
  • “Happy Buns” Hot Dog Cart at ZSFG
  • “Buzzin Beans” Coffee & Snack Carts at ZSFG
  • Sensory Modification Vests & Therapy Tools Sewing Project
  • Receptionist Training Program
  • Clothing and Book Donation Program

  Our staff and PEER Counselors provide our clients with:

  • Peer counseling and support
  • Vocational counseling and rehabilitation planning for community-based employment
  • On the job training in partnership with ZSFG Volunteer Services
  • Job-training, job-seeking skills, resume development, and other work readiness assistance
  • Assistance finding and keeping a job, including the use of special employer incentives and job accommodations
  • Supportive services including counseling and medical referrals
  • Development of a Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) for work

Program participants learn valuable vocational skills and move on to community based employment or other training programs. Most importantly, VRP workers gain experience and confidence they need to be able to manage their challenges at work. We work with each individual to help them choose, get and keep a job that matches their skills, abilities and interests. Upon graduation our participants have learned:

  • Time management and problem solving skills
  • Communication, grooming, hygiene, conflict resolution
  • Working as part of a team to accomplish goals
  • Serving as a role model to others in recovery
  • Customer service skills


UCSF Citywide Employment Program: Gregory Jarasitis, MOT, OTR/L, Director
Call: 415-597-8057
[email protected]

Vocational Rehabilitation Program at ZSFG: Mindy Oppenheim, M.Ed., Program Director
Call: 628-206-5962
[email protected]

Hugo Calderon, BS, ZSFG Program Coordinator
Call: 628-206-4465
[email protected]

Gigi Lapuz, Culinary Training Program Coordinator
Call: 628-206-4465
[email protected]

Mike Sullivan, Executive Chef
Call: 628-206-4465
[email protected]

Greg Anfinson, Slice of Life Cafe Manager
Call: 628-754-9510
[email protected]

Celeste Salvador, Culinary Job Coach, Slice of Life Cafe Assistant Manager
Call: 628-206-4465
[email protected]

Renee Doherty, Peer Counselor/Job Coach
Call: 628-206-4465
[email protected]

Charles Tillman, Peer Counselor/Job Coach
Call: 628-206-4465
[email protected]